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Digital Media Marketing
Christian Messaging

Average rating: 0.00 out of 5 based on 13 reviews
Review image from We Must Find Our Way  Back To God
Wednesday 8/23/2017
We Must Find Our Way Back To God
GospelMaxx continues to promote the Gospel, the church, and evangelism! What the world needs now is more Social media churches.

Review image from Freedom Truly Comes  From God!
Tuesday 7/4/2017
Freedom Truly Comes From God!
We must all thank God for our Freedom! Thankful to GMaxx for reminding us!!

Review image from There Is but One  Gospel!
Tuesday 3/21/2017
There Is but One Gospel!
Excited at the direct connectivity churches are given to promote the Gospel using the GospelMaxx platform! Thousands reached already!

Review image from The Greatest Verse To Share The Real Gospel!
Friday 2/10/2017
The Greatest Verse To Share The Real Gospel!
We appreciate GospelMaxx continued effort to remind us to preach and share the Gospel!

Review image from GospelMaxx  sharing the  Good News At the Louisiana  Baptist Convention
Tuesday 11/15/2016
GospelMaxx sharing the Good News At the Louisiana Baptist Convention
God calls upon us to be instant in season and out! Thanks to Wayne Shepherd for helping us to be a part of the LBC missiin effort! Its so good to be a part of promoting Jesus to the world!

Review image from The Gospel In Its Purest Form
Tuesday 11/15/2016
The Gospel In Its Purest Form
Scripture is the beginning of truth when it comes to sharing our faith! Thankful to DeliveryMaxx and GospelMaxx for the unprecedented opportunity to share our Faith exponentially !!!

Review image from Sing Praise To God
Monday 11/14/2016
Sing Praise To God
It is good to be reminded of the gift of song... and its vitality and its ability to comnunicate the Gospel if Jesus Christ!!

Review image from I Am Not Ashamed Romans1:16
Thursday 8/18/2016
I Am Not Ashamed Romans1:16
Yes!!! This is more important today than ever! GospelMaxx can help every church optimize the Gospel ! !

Review image from The  Gift of God  Is Eternal Life!
Thursday 8/4/2016
The Gift of God Is Eternal Life!
An awesome reminder of our daily mission for our Lord!!!

Review image from Let us Be About Making Much Of CHRIST!!
Thursday 6/9/2016
Let us Be About Making Much Of CHRIST!!
GospelMaxx has proven most effective when it cones to making the most of Christ! An app and a few keystrokes and The Good news is shared digitally in your Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the world!!

Review image from The Truth Is
Wednesday 6/8/2016
The Truth Is "Church" Is About Reaching The Lost
I could not be more excited about what GospelMaxx is providing the "Church" today! Its who we are...the called out ones to be the reach out ones!!

Review image from Promote The Gospel
Thursday 6/2/2016
Promote The Gospel
A stark reminder of thevtruth fiynd in Romans 1:15 that "I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for Salvation to everyone who believes..." It is imperative we make bekievers!


Specializing in helping share the Christian message with the digital world

Making sure He gets the representation He deserves.

We're dedicated to ensuring that we take care of all of our institutions, and that their needs are met and exceeded. We offer high-quality digital work and Social Media client service. We’re committed to providing you with digital ministry support.

We serve a wide range of ministries, and value every ministry relationship greatly. Each engagement benefits from the depth and breadth of our expertise. We approach every institution with a focus on integrity, advocacy, and understanding. We communicate with and for you!

Helping You Share The Gospel.

Our culture has changed and Social Ministry provides a great opportunity for you and your Church to reach more people than ever before. Utilizing modern innovations with the GospelMaxx Social Media and Online Reputation tools your church body can spread the gospel message, as well as communicate your church's vision where your audience is looking.

With GospelMaxx you can increase member Evangelism, strengthen your online message, establish stronger participation, provide additional revenue for the Church, increase your membership, improve community relationships, and much, much more!

Your Message Will Be Heard!

GospelMaxx, a subsidiary of DeliveryMaxx, utilizes a revolutionary Smartphone App that allows Churches to capture their "Experience" allowing the members to share their exciting time with ALL of their contacts on Social Media.

An aggressive desire for victory combined with the procedural and graduated development of softball skills through exceptional coaching and advanced training techniques is of paramount importance. Nevertheless, everyone should realize that, fast-pitch softball is only a game and is the forum we use to help our athletes mature into responsible adults.

Our Staff Makes the Difference

We offer the best Digital technicians in the business, hands down. We pride ourselves in maintaining a small business feel by treating each institution with care and consideration. We’ve hand-picked a high-quality team of Digital Solutions professionals qualified to successfully present outstanding Social media advocacy. No issue is too big or too small. If you desire a Social Media ministry, our experts can help you find a solution.


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