Red stripe
Adam Nason
Blake Blevins Editor Extraordinaire
Amy Deaton
Amy Deaton graduated with a Bachelor's Degree from Southeastern Oklahoma State University. She has held many leadership roles while working in the education field for the past 8 years. Her areas of expertise include conflict resolution, successful planning, team building, and motivation. She has proven to be dedicated and goal driven with a commitment to excellence. As a member of several professional associations, she continues to pursue advanced training and education in her fields of practice.
Sharp Shooter
Sharp Shooter with a keen eye and a sense of adventure, he takes to the highways to create innovative photos that take automotive photography to new heights. When he sets his sights, everything in the view finder is another digital Picasso perfectly composed to bring "ah's" from those who appreciate his rare art form. For him, life is a snap!
Victoria Shaefer
Victoria Schaefer has been a leader in the financial world, serving as a Senior Audit Manager for Profit Recovery Group. She orchestrated teams to oversee Sears, Kmart's, Radio Shack, and the Army Airforce Exchange primary audit teams for 10 years. For the last 4 years Victoria has served as the CFO for Byron Thomas Holdings and CarSch Enterprises.
Meet The DeliveryMaxx Team
Five Steps To Success