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A satisfied customer represents generations of sales opportunities.

Recent market evaluations of the automobile industry in America provides data showing that on an average, Americans own 2.7 vehicles per household and trade an average of every 2 years. Based on those numbers, the opportunities are enormous. Below is an example of how much each customer is worth to you and your dealership.

If you averaged: 200 cars per month each year for 5 years, that would represent your total number of new customers: 200 x 12 months = 2,400 x 5 years = 12,000 New Customers.

Each household from these 12,000 customers has an additional 1.7 vehicles:12,000 x 1.7 = 20,400 additional sales opportunities. That’s an extra 4,080 New Customers per year or 340 New Customers per Month!

Of the: 12,000 that you sold 60% of them are now 24-60 months old: 12,000 x 60% = 7,200 immediate sales opportunities.

If each customer were a satisfied customer because of proper customer service delivery, and they gave you just 1 referral with 2.7 vehicles in that household:12,000 x 2.7 = 32,400 referral sales opportunities.That’s an extra 6,480 customers per year or 540 customers per month!

If you closed 25% of the 32,400 referrals, you would have an additional 8,100 units sold with an average profit of $2,500. The dealership would net an additional $20,250,000 in profits. That’s an extra $4,050,000 per year or $337,500 per Month!

These numbers take time and it’s never too late to begin. It’s time to start building a Strong Referral Program Now!

The Importance Of Delivery