
DeliveryMaxx’s attention to common sense and sound business principles made the addition of Educational Institutes a perfect fit. Not only is education an important staple in the fabric of our lives; online reputation is at the upmost importance when searching for the schooling that is right for training.

Because over 82% of all consumers state that their decisions have been directly influenced by reviews; it is imperative that schools are consistent with your message and utilize Social Media Marketing tools to share your story.

DeliveryMaxx utilizes our programs to help schools put their best foot forward giving you an exceptional digital imprint on the web.

DeliveryMaxx provides an A+ Comprehensive Educational Solution providing our clients with social media marketing, online reputation management, search engine optimization, customer loyalty, and retention strategically initiated to achieve real measurable results. DeliveryMaxx utilizes our proprietary software and patent pending programs to help companies maximize their effectiveness positively influencing consumer behavior.

Expected Results

  • Increase Enrollment
  • Strengthen Branding
  • Create Conversations
  • Build upon Published Positive Reviews
  • Strategic Marketing & Public Relations Program
  • Promote Educational Programs and Philosophy
  • Online Reputation Alerts & Response
  • Strengthen Branding