Website Maintenance
Why spend Thousands of dollars for a one time website fix?
Our Website Maintenance program not only optimizes your website for all the search engines so you can be found organically, it also allows you to have professionals keep your website current
Wikipedia defines Search engine optimization (SEO) as the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engines "natural," or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic"), search results.
In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search, academic search, news search and industry-specific vertical search engines.
With all the changes that Google has made recently with their algorithm (how Google displays your site) this has been one of many touchy subjects
DeliveryMaxx had published our opinion on this subject several times and it still hasn’t changed.
Our Program is very simple.
DeliveryMaxx uses both New Technology and Old Skool Techniques focused on the success of your business web presence. Using only “White Hat” (good, above board) in nature, DeliveryMaxx Website Maintenance program pushes the envelope in terms of aggressive content creation, keyword targeting, and link building via our DigitalMaxx program. Over a short period of time you will see clear results in SERP (Search Engine Results Page) rank, site visits, time on site, and most importantly, higher quality leads.

When DeliveryMaxx Website Maintenance is combined with our DigitalMaxx Program, you will see exponential growth in lead volume and quality site traffic.
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization is an Art Form
There are many methods to optimizing a webpage or sites, but there are things to watch out for from Marketers or Marketing Companies.
Any company that tells you they can have you on the first page in a specified amount of time is not being truthful.
If a company tells you they understand how Google works and for X amount of money you can be in the first page, they are not being truthful. The Google Algorithm has never been cracked nor will it ever be. Google wrote the program, but not anyone person completely understands how it works.
If a company continual speaks about Google and only Google then this company is neglecting as much as 40 percent of the market place.
Any SEO – Search Engine Optimization Company must have a good working knowledge of SEO Best Practices. Those are quite simple, granted you may not understand it yourself but any good Geek should.
As a reference DeliveryMaxx recommends the following sites to get an objective performance report on your website or pages on your website.
If you feel they are not up to par, please feel free to give us call or drop us note. We’ll be happy to walk you through the reporting.
The most important thing DeliveryMaxx can recommend is never purchase links from a 3rd party provider. This action when caught will result in your site being sandboxed (banned) by Google. Google’s new algorithm finds non relevant links coming to your site and if the algorithm determines that they are spammy, in the sandbox you go. If you end up in Google’s Sand Box you might as well go get another URL and start all over again. The process to get out of the sandbox is quite lengthy and difficult.